Plan A Visit
Sunday Services Times
8:30AM – Worship
9:45AM – Bible Classes
10:45AM – Worship
5:00PM – Evening Devotional
Wednesday Service Time
7:00PM – Bible Classes
We welcome all guests, no matter their background. We know going to a new place can be overwhelming and we want to help you plan your visit. When you first arrive you can park on either side of the parking lot in the Guest Parking spaces close to the entrance. Then in the main lobby, stop by the Welcome Center or stop a greeter to ask questions and get pointed in the right direction. Our volunteers are happy to assist you.

To the parents with children: Welcome!
- Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it during worship.
- Feel free to sit toward the front where it is easier for your littles to see what is going on.
- We encourage you to explain each part of the gathering as well as the actions of the speaker, song leader, or others.
- Join in the singing, pray with us, and engage during the message. Children learn how to worship by copying you.
- If you need to leave the auditorium with your child, please come back!
- BCOC is a family-friendly congregation who understands and encourages the participation of children.
- Church Bags are available in a basket in the foyer for children. These bags contain some quiet activities for children during worship.
- The Nursery (unattended at this time) is available during worship for children birth through 24 months in room PK100. There is also a training room located at the back of the auditorium.
- Children’s Worship is available from September – May during 1st Service following communion for children 2 years through kindergarten.
- We have Bible classes for all ages. We would love for your children to join us as we learn more about God.