About the BYG

Who We Are

We have a strong ministry team of youth deacons and volunteers that minister to our students. We have about 150 students that are a part of our youth ministry. If you are a student in 6th-12th grades, we hope you will become a part of this special group of teenagers. The BYG is a place to experience Passion for God, Connection to the Body, and a Heart for Service. Come and join us as we seek to follow God.

What We Are About

Passion for God

We believe that it all starts with loving God, and we provide opportunities to experience and strengthen your Passion for God.

Commitment to the Body

We believe in the power of community, and we provide opportunities for teenagers to Commit and walk this journey together.

Heart for Service

We believe that we were made to serve others as Jesus served. Our goal is for students to develop a Heart for Service.

When We Meet

Sunday Classes – 9:45AM

On Sunday mornings we split up High School and Junior High and we use this time to learn more about God’s word and how it can change our lives when we put it into practice.

Wednesday Classes – 7:00PM

Most Wednesday evenings, our High School and Junior High are split. We spend time in song and praise to our God, followed by a message or a time of open discussion. This is a great time of worship and fellowship.

Times of Service, Devotion, and Fellowship – As Scheduled

We have many events that are both fun and spiritually formative for our youth. Information on upcoming events is available in MyBCOC and are sent out to parents and teens through text, email, and on printed calendars available in the Junior High and High School rooms.

A Word from Our Youth Ministers

We invite you to join us as we try to know God more, and have fun in the process. We believe this is the best way to live life. God wants us to experience joy and peace, and he wants us to lean on him when we are in the midst of heartache and struggle. The BYG is a place to experience that along with many others as we journey together.

– Mason and Jim

Mason Hill – High School Minister – mason@burlesoncoc.com

Dylan Holland – Jr. High Minister – dylan@burlesoncoc.com